In 2016, notorious Cartel member El Chapo Guzman escaped from prison through an underground tunnel below his jail cell. See the entrance to the tunnel that set the stage for one of the best-kept secrets underground.
Location: History, Heritage & Tradition
Wall of Faces – Veterans Commemoration Project
Curated by Ginny Jordan and Hector Leon to honor Vietnam veterans across the country. The Wall of Faces includes photographs, letters, stories, and memorabilia from more than 500 Douglas men and women, who served in the Vietnam War.
The Grand Theatre
The Grand Theatre opened in 1919. Originally, it housed a Tea Room, a candy store, and a barbershop. It was the site of many live stage productions, movies, and Douglas High School graduations.
Historic Gadsden Hotel
A national treasure, the history of the Gadsden is almost as grand as its lobby, which includes a white, marble staircase and 42ft Tiffany-inspired glass mural. As a hidden secret, ask about the Rathskeller!
Border Air Museum
“The First International Airport of the Americas,” a rich aviation history is honored here. They house a Trojan airplane, American Airlines memorabilia, a wall of artifacts from the Army Air Field, and a Douglas’ Women’s Air History display.
Douglas Visitor Center & Southern Pacific Railroad Depot
This abandoned railway line was constructed in 1901-1902, as the route from Douglas to El Paso. The building left standing now serves as the Douglas Police Department, with a skatepark and the Visitor Center on the same property.
Douglas-Williams House
Promotes research and education out of the Douglas-Williams House with one of the state’s most comprehensive photographic collections, chronicling the city’s historic past. Step inside and back in time.